About Us

Who We Are

We are a new fossil and mineral store with the goal bringing the hobby of collecting into the modern age. Most online fossil shops are outdated and very hard to navigate, with many also selling fakes and low quality finds.  We believe that purchasing a fossil or mineral specimen should be as easy and safe as any other reputable online store.  That is why our shop guarantees quality and authenticity in our products, with each specimen being inspected individually, as well as information regarding its origin deeply investigated.  

Our Mission

We at Ancient Bone Zone love paleontology.  Its what inspired us to open this site!  That is why we want to give back to the hard working and underappreciated scientists who study this fascinating field by allowing our customers to donate to the field in return for a free gift from us to show our appreciation.  All proceeds will go to legitimate scientists and their research.

We hope you can trust us to be your provider of specimens for your collection!